Monday 24 March 2014

FMP Jasper John

I like how Japser John used the same three colours in his work with the over laying more American flags on top.

I don't know if this is Jasper John;s work but you can tell the person who made this piece of work was inspired by Jasper John,

I like this piece because of the dark background brings the paint brushes out. The Brush strokes in this work is very expressive.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

FMP Leonardo Da Vinci

By the researching on Anatomy I thought of Researching Leonardo Da Vinci because of his Anatomy drawings. I like the shoulder drawing on the top right corner by the shading. The neck is very interesting.

I like the shade in this drawing because of the shading around the muscle lining.

I like where it shows different drawings but in different angles but it also show the detail in the muscle. I like the mini drawings of the neck what's above the drawings of the shoulder and arms drawing.

I like this because of the mixture of bone and muscle I like the idea of that but it will be very confusing on how to actually draw it.

I like the definition in the arms especially the one where the hand goes the right because of the shading and many layers of muscle as well.

This is one of his Anatomy drawings of a hand what I like because of the bones with the skin with the image.

I put this in because I honestly just like it, with the shade and it reminds me of what I drawn in the first couple of weeks on my level 3 course.

This is another one with the muscle tone what it looks unreal.

FMP Anatomy

Im starting to research about basketball so I thought be best of researching about anatomy because of all the muscles and how it works.

This image shows the bones and the muscles so I thought that looks amazing.

I like this because it show what muscles is what and labels it.

I thought it will be good to get some front and back images I like the shade between the arms.

I thought this where good where it shows the muscles tense and everything.

I think this is better because it shows the front back and sides, but the muscle is more detailed.

Friday 7 March 2014

Meetings and connections evaluation

For Meetings and connections

I developed a Family tree based on the maternal side of my family.  Then I did portraits of family members such as my Grandmother, Mother and Cousins. I did drawings based on photographs then with my Grandmother I used different media such as fine liner and charcoal to develop the work.

I also did a portrait of my Mother and also made a mixed media piece, using tea and coffee to express how old she is.

I did some research on Lino print artists and artist's research on Andrew Hunt, Francis Spalding and Nick Waplington, this research gave me some ideas of how to develop work.  I find Nick Waplington's use of fixtures and fittings, in a domestic background, interesting and Jim Spencer's technique of carving in different directions to create his work.

Using my original family portraits I produced Lino prints, which I liked so much that I decided to make some Dry-Point prints.

I feel that some of my pencil drawings did not turn out the way that I wanted them to. The end result was that I lost confidence in my drawing ability. Because they are family members, who are special to me, I felt under pressure to produce a good likeness of them.

My audience is formed arounds families and in this case it was my family, but I can't say if they enjoyed my work because, my family would be afraid of upsetting me or lowering my confidence.

Because of the amount of work I have done in my book, I am going to carry on in the same book and try and make my new project link into this work.