1 ) What is Site Specific art work?
A) Site Specific art is especially created for that certain place. This could be for a gallery, a public sculpture, an installation a work of art or in a unique alternative space.
2) What is Installation art work?
A) It also has the more specific meaning of a one - off work ( often a large - scale assemblage) conceived usually for more or less filling a specific interior ( generally that of a gallery, a room sized art piece). Installation art can be site specific but doesn't necessary have to be.
The installation specific art work will only work best in that one size place because it was created for that certain place. In the 1970s the term came into common usage, in the 1980s certain artists started to specialize in this kind of work creating a genre of Installation Art. In the 1990s a museum of installation art was opened in London and in 1994, a book was published entitled Installation Art, claiming that this was "arguably the most original, Vigorous and fertile form of art today. Lucy Jorge Orta's artwork can be moved about like the 'Wrath Of Medusa.' The challenge of moving artwork is to adapt to the place, sometimes it doesn't have to be traditional Art galleries, some pop artists use empty shops.
3) Why is Site Specific art work potentially more accessibly to audience?
A) To me the reason why Site Specific is potentially better than Installation art work is because of Site Specific art work could be outside. Site Specific is potentially more accessible to an audience because it links to the place more because of the people and their history, for example, The Angel Of The North
4) Give 2 early examples of site specific artwork ( include visuals)
A) Yves Klein "The Void"
I think he tried something simple because back then art was about great paintings with real talent.
He tried to break the 'Modern Era' artwork and he wanted to go back to the basics, so he created a statement piece to make a statement. This piece was lets just say a progression from his colour work to the basic white again
Richard Wilson "Oil Wilson"
I think he tried something new with oil what I think he pulled of really well by the refection of the oil
He is interest in to change the mind perception of architectural space. He does this by the reflection and the lighting.
5) Give 4 examples of contemporary site art work
I have chosen to focus on a series of works especially for the 'Turbine Hall' in the 'Tate Modern.'
Ólafur Elíasson,
The Weather Project (2004)
He create a atmospheric artwork, usuing a mirror and a giant orange light and a mist.
They engaged with the artwork by having a picnic and also wave the arms around so they can see thems selves as black shadows.
Carsten Holler Test Site (2006)
The design of these slides is all about the experience for the audience. Holler said that he liked the effect of the combination of delight and anxiety that the experience he gave his audience.
Louise Bourgeois-I Do, I Undo, I Redo (2000)
Martin Creed Light on and off
You can tell that this artist got inspired by yves klien because it looks like the void the thing that he changed was that the light flickers on and off.